By J. Luis Dizon
When people ask " Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?" the key answer to this lies in the concept of God as revealed in being and nature. While Islam and Christianity are both monotheistic their doctrine of God differs in essence. Muslims believe Allah as absolute oneness (tawhid) or unitarian while the God of the bible is one whose being is trinitarian: “Within the one Being that is God, there exists eternally three co-equal and co-eternal persons, namely, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Unfortunately, there are not many Muslims who actually understand what Christians believe regarding the being and nature of God. They have the preconceived idea that Christians are polytheists worshiping three gods. It does not help that there are not many Christians who can accurately present their own beliefs regarding their God.
This article (below) presents an explanation of the Christian view of God which will hopefully be easy enough for Muslims to understand.
1. PDF Articles :
2. Slide presentation
3. Video presentations