Although in both the Quran and the Bible, the birth of Jesus (Isa in the Quran) is unique, the narrative differs regarding the birth in its nature and in its significance in relation to the person of Jesus and his purpose in his mission.
In Islam
Muslims believe that Jesus (called 'Isa in Isalm) was the son of Mary, and was conceived without the intervention of a human father. The Qur'an describes that an angel appeared to Mary, to announce to her the "gift of a holy son" (Sura19:19). She was astonished at the news, and asked: "How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?" (Sura19:20). When the angel explained to her that she had been chosen for the service of God and that God had ordained the matter, she devoutly submitted herself to His will.
In the Qur'an and other Islamic sources, there is no mention of Joseph the Carpenter, nor any recollection of the inn and manger legend. On the contrary, the Qur'an describes that Mary retreated from her people (outside the city), and gave birth to Jesus underneath a remote date palm tree. The tree miraculously provided nourishment for her during labour and birth. (See Chapter 19 of the Qur'an for the entire story. The chapter has aptly been named "The Chapter of Mary.")
However, the Qur'an repeatedly reminds us that Adam, the first human being, was born with neither a human mother nor a human father. Therefore, Jesus' miraculous birth affords him no higher standing or presumed partnership with God. When God ordains a matter, He merely says, "Be" and it is so. "The similitude of Jesus before God is as that of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be!" And he was" (Sura 3:59). In Islam, Jesus is regarded as a human prophet and messenger of God, not God Himself.
The Quran describes who Jesus is but there is no information on why Jesus was born in the way as described. There are several important questions that need answers, such as :
1. Why is the birth of Jesus so unique when compared with other prophets?
2. Why was it crucial that Mary be a virgin whom Jesus was conceived and born?
3. Why is it vital that Jesus did not have a biological father? Jesus is exceptionally referred to as “ibni Mariyam”.
4. Why was Jesus borne from the Spirit of Allah (Surah 4:171)?
Therefore, to have answers to these questions, Muslims must refer to the Bible :
Surah 10:94: 'So if you are in doubt, [O Muhammad], about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so never be among the doubters.
In Christianity